Charter Flights
Tailored Air Charter: Planes, Helicopters, and Cargo Aircraft to Suit Your Needs
Whether you need a plane or a helicopter, Altinium offers customized charter solutions for all types of aircraft, from turboprops to VIP-configured airliners. For large corporate or group travel, we can provide high-capacity aircraft tailored to your requirements.
Do you need to transport equipment by air? Our experts will find the cargo plane best suited to your needs.
The Freedom to Travel at Your Own Pace
Choose a bespoke service with Altinium and enjoy total flexibility for your private jet travel, with safety and comfort as our top priorities.
Travel with Your Pets
Because your furry friend deserves to travel by your side rather than in the cargo hold of a commercial airplane. We welcome all animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, and even exotic pets such as reptiles and birds.